Thanks to the efforts of Friends of Roselawn, a group that has been gathering for regular meetings to strategize promotion of the historic centre’s useage, “Doors Open” will be happening at the Roselawn Centre the weekend of October 18-20, 2013
Sat. Oct. 19 and Sun. Oct. 20, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Doors Open 2013:
This year’s theme is 20th-century Neighbourhoods of Niagara, showcasing buildings that were erected in the late 1800s and early 1900s that resulted in the historical neighbourhoods we continue to recognize today. Included are downtowns, waterfronts and industrial areas.
The first Doors Open Day (La Journée Portes Ouvertes) took place in France in 1984. The idea soon spread to neighbouring countries, including the Netherlands, Sweden, the Republic of Ireland, Belgium and Scotland. In 1991, these events were united as European Heritage Days at the initiative of the Council of Europe. In 2003, all 48 signatory states of the European Cultural Convention participated in European Heritage Days.
In 2000, the City of Toronto launched the first Doors Open event in North America. In 2002, the Ontario Heritage Trust launched Doors Open Ontario, the first province wide event of its kind in Canada. The Doors Open concept continues to spread across North America with events now being held in Newfoundland, Alberta, Massachusetts, Western New York State, New York City and Denver. (Visit these web links to Doors Open events in other countries.)
Every year, Doors Open Ontario attracts large crowds across Ontario. From April to October, residents and visitors are invited to discover first-hand Ontario’s hidden heritage treasures, some of which have never been open to the public.
Since the program was launched in 2002, nearly 5 million visits have been made to heritage sites participating in this exciting initiative. Doors Open Ontario, now considered a cultural phenomenon, will continue in 2013 with hundreds of communities participating across the province.
The Port Colborne event will be held at Roselawn and will feature artwork of the Port Colborne area and neighbourhood, so all artwork will be only of Port Colborne. I am currently working on a painting of part of the Roselawn Centre for the show. Come on out and invite friends and family!
Sat. Oct. 19 and Sun. Oct. 20, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Invite Facebook friends and family on the Facebook Event