My Day 18 painting for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge is “Sir Lancelot”. My youngest daughter’s other goat. We got them both in Fergus, ON. Goats need company and these pygmy cross babies were too little to be in the company of our horses, so we got the brother and sister and had the male neutered. Lance likes to look over their stall door when we come into the barn to feed them. In fact, we have to latch the top because he jumped right over when Sweet Pea was outside practicing goat showing and he was left in the stall.
Unfortunately yesterday I was sick in bed most of the day yesterday, so I am now two day behind, but will work on catching up through the next few days. I’m not usually ill but these things happen.
“Sir Lancelot” acrylic on baltic birch, 8″x8″

Note: Framing can be added so the painting is ready to hang, for an additional charge depending on frame. And for the Challenge, I will ship within Canada & U.S. for free or include a black wood frame if you purchase a “30 Day Painting” during January, 2015 using “Buy Now” or your winning bid is over $100.