celebrating wine country logoI will be one of six artists exhibiting artwork for the upcoming art show & sale,”Celebrating Wine Country”, at the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre.

My theme is vineyard animal helpers. A number of Niagara area vineyards combine quality winemaking practices and ecological principles by, ’employing’ sheep, hawks, chickens and other animal helpers for pest control and other services.  For example, Featherstone Winery has a small flock of sheep to eat leaves from the grapevines to enhance fruit quality by exposing the grapes to more sunlight and air circulation.

In celebrating our rich history, agriculture, business and high quality of our Niagara vineyards and wineries, I chose to express and highlight the important animal helpers and the ecological consciousness of a number of local vineyards. Sheep, hawks, chickens and other animals are “employed for pest control and other services. Sheep eat leaves from the grapevines to enhance fruit quality by exposing the grapes to more sunlight and air circulation. Hawks keep birds away from the ripening fruit simply by their presence over the vineyard. Chickens and geese eat unwanted insects. The animals add to the beauty and splendor of the vineyards.

Featherstone Winery and Southbrook Vineyards were kind enough to let me visit and take reference photos for my paintings.  They are both wonderful wineries and well worth a visit.  I will be exhibiting three painting for the show.

Here is a preview of some in-progress photos of my paintings, but please come to some of the opening events to see my finished work and the work of the other artists.  There will be a preview for Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre members on Aug. 28 at the Hinterbrook Winery and an Opening Reception at the Pumphouse Arts Centre for the public on Sunday September 13 at 2:00 p.m. I will be at both events so please stop by and say hello.

In-progress, and finished painting photos at the end:

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