My plan for 2018 is to have two fundraiser Paint Parties each month: one regular Fundraiser Paint Party, and one Paint Your Pet Fundraiser which benefit animal welfare organizations. For 2017, fundraisers that benefited from my Paint Parties were:
- The Arts in Medicine program at the Walker Family Cancer Centre
- Welland Humane Society
- Steele St. School
- B.A.R.K.
- Carter’s Forever Rescue
- Niagara Dog Rescue
- Beamsville 4Paw Rescue
- The Erland Lee Museum
- Lincoln County Humane Society
I want to thank all who came out for fun nights with friends and family, while supporting such worthwhile organizations. Although the organizations I helped last year plan on scheduling more events and a few new organizations have dates scheduled, I will have some dates available for new non-profit organizations, so please contact me or forward my information to worthwhile organizations who may be interested.