I found out about Nanook and his owner’s plight on Facebook and had to help in any way I could. He is a service dog who has a large growth behind his ear that needs to be removed. It may or may not be cancerous, but the vet won’t be able to determine that until it is removed. His owner does not have enough money to pay for the surgery since she is on a very small fixed income, and has no credit cards. Her daughter set up a GoFundMe, but she is far from the necessary funds and Nanook is running out of time. I donated to Nanook’s GoFundMe but wanted to do more to help.
I have an original oil painting I created for a Celebrating Wine Country exhibit at the Niagara Pumphouse Gallery a couple years ago, titled, “On Guard”. The subjects of the painting are the Southbrook Vineyard’s sheep and the shepherdess’s dog. Since Nanook looks a lot like her, and appears to be a Great Pyrenees, or have some in him too, I decided to put the painting up for auction with 100% of the sale price going to Nanook’s surgery. If you, or people you know, may be interested in the painting, please share the “On Guard” auction page.
I also have a Paint Your Pet Fundraiser with the money raised going to Nanook’s surgery. If you would like to attend, please buy your tickets as soon as possible because I will send the money to Nanook’s family as tickets are sold, rather than wait to the event so they can the money in time to save Nanook. Get your Nanook’s Paint Your Pet tickets on our website events.
Thank you for anything you can do to help Nanook!