January I held a photo contest, with the theme of dogs, and it was great to see all the photos, and very difficult to judge! This month the theme will be Winter, so post either a Winter Animal or Winter Landscape photo.  You need to post your photos on my original Facebook post.  I realized in January some people posted photos on a shared post instead of the original post, and I missed some photos! Make sure you read the photo requirements here, then use the link to my Artist Facebook page to “like” and “share”.

The winner will get one free 6″x6″ or 5″x7″ original painting!  Photos must be your own, or taken by a family member giving permission to post the photo and allowing me to use as a painting reference.

Here are the photo requirements:

Photos of winter animal should be a close up of the animal. A little background around the animal is fine, but the animal should take up approx. 1/2 to 3/4’s of the photo..  Photo should have a good range of lights and darks, show the animal’s eyes/expression and capturing his/her personality. 

Winter Landscapes should have a good range of lights and darks and have an interesting composition. Winter is my least favourite season, so the challenge is to make winter appeal to me and make me want to paint it!

If you know other people who would like to participate in the contest and have a chance at winning an original painting, please like and share this post and  my Artist Facebook page and the original post for the contest!