For the month of January I held a photo contest. Since January is my dog’s birthday month, the theme for January was Dogs!  Everyone posted their dog photos on my Facebook post, and I  had the daunting task of picking the winner.  I had no idea how hard picking winners for this photo contest would be!  Thank you to all who entered the contest – your dogs are all beautiful!  If your dog didn’t make the “winners”, “finalists” or “contenders” list, it is no reflection on your dog, but could be the clarity of the photo, or even the format.

The winner was Sadie, and her owner wins this  original  6″x6″painting!


“Sadie”, 6″x6″, acrylic on canvas

Sadie’s owner shared her story with me:

Sadie came into our lives ten years ago as our first family dog. She is smart, energetic, happy and a tad bit stubborn! She is full of personality and always keeps us on our toes. Her friendly nature brings a smile to everyone she meets. You could say she is an all-season dog as she loves playing in the snow in the winter just as much as she loves swimming or being outside in the summer. She will be ten years old this year, but she is still a playful puppy at heart! – Kait B.

Congratulations Kait!  And for those who didn’t win this time, follow my blog and  Artist facebook page for more contests and a chance to win.